Network Marketing is about Commitment!

Hey guys, it’s Nicola. How you guys doing out there? I know it’s pretty much late and you know I just wanted to share some things with you on today. I just could not let this day go by. It’s such a teaching moment especially for people who want to make it big in the network marketing business and who literally want to have mega results or become top earners or six figure earners in their business.

I’m just going to be with you just for a few moments on today because I literally just not too long got back home. I was up from about [4:30] this morning and headed onto Baltimore, Maryland. I did a one day trip, a quick turn-around. As you guys know I told you I’m going to take you on this journey with our team as we are creating the next one hundred-six figure earners.

While we were just in Detroit just a few days ago at our regional event, I got a call from one of our newest agents. He is a extremely successful businessman and he’d already enrolled and he said, “Listen. I’m ready to get this thing going.” Although I’d just got home from Detroit, Michigan I shared with him. He said, “Listen how soon can you come to Baltimore, Maryland?” Obviously I’m going to tell you this. This is one of the things most people would say, “Well you know what? I’m just getting in from out of town.” Just like myself too, I have a family. I have an eight year old and trust me. I juggle and I make it very important to spend time with him and that’s why I’m going to be getting off very shortly with you all.

I said, “Listen I’m just getting in from this event, our regional event, being away for a few days,” but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity for a leader who’s actually ready and gung-ho to work our business. I said, “Hey I can get over there on Wednesday.”

I went in today. It was a super successful event. I literally had to fly in earlier because I had my coaching call. Yes I am being coached by one of the top network marketing coaches in the world. He’s amazing not just because he’s coaching; because he cares so much about the success. I needed to make sure I was not going to miss my coaching call. I already had another prior call with another very, very important businessman who wants to pick up our company and our services to help them do more loans and things like that. I mean he literally said, “Hey listen Nicola. Our company did about $17,000,000 dollars in loans but I know with your service of helping our clients be more qualified, we could do about $55,000,000 if we could do this.”

I couldn’t miss that opportunity. I had to figure out how was I going to fit in going into this city, presenting for these new agents and their prospects and do my coaching call, present, definitely still have that next very important call and then make sure I get back to the airport. Then we had our team call as soon as I got off of the plane and then now to shut down to tuck my eight year old in.

As he came in from practice he says to me, I said, “Hey how was your day?” He’s like you know, “It was great Mom” and everything. I said, “You know I went out of town today and I’m back home.” He said, “Well how did you do that?” I’m like, “I’m Super Mom.” No, but sometimes things seem impossible and because I was determined to get it all done today, sixteen hours straight of pure productivity that is now going to yield thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars into my business, you have to understand that having success is not always going to seem comfortable or convenient, but the rewards are big. You can get it all in.

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Now, does every day have to be like this? No, it does not even though on tomorrow we have some other big meetings because we’re in a ninety day blitz. It’s supposed to be different. It’s supposed to be more intense than when you’re just going about your business, la la, right? I just wanted to come and share with you that I had an opportunity. We got the right people that are getting on the bus with our business and these are people who are definitely financially motivated who are definitely understanding they need to promote and do something big and because of our industry of network marketing it allows people to take control of their own finances, to dominate their own personal economy.

What this does is allow us to have more control even over our emotions right? People don’t have to be in fear when they know how to make their life exactly the way they want to make their life. That’s what we do.

For you out there, your inner network marketing industry, just know you hold a lot of power in your hands. Financial freedom and time freedom also means that sometimes you want to stretch yourself. Sometimes you want to do a little bit more than just be average and big things can happen. I had sixteen hours of pure productivity. I even came to you for a few moments to share as I shared with you I was going to take you guys on this crazy journey of our ninety days of creating the next one hundred-six figure earners.

Those are people who will be able to make decisions for their life. Those are people who won’t be afraid no matter what’s happening in their city or their country or what have you when it comes to any type of politics or whatever. They’re people who are literally owning their life and they are owning their legacy.

That’s it on tonight. I’m going to tuck my baby in and I’m sitting here saying, “Wow how did I do it?” The point is step by step, step by step just do it. Don’t think about it. Do it. Success is a verb word. Stop thinking. Just go and do it. It’s not going to be convenient. It’s not going to be comfortable, but it’s definitely rewarding. See you guys later. Tag and share this. I think it would help some people, right? Push them over; push them to the next level.

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