Is Wealth Worth the Compromise?

There is a big myth that people who are wealthy must compromise or trade good values or beliefs to acquire wealth.  I believe this crippling belief is holding many people who are more than capable of becoming wealthy from not doing so.  As a matter of fact, there are some people who get to the brink of success and turn back!

Since I started to seek out the secrets to wealth, which by the way are not really secrets, I have learned time tested laws and principles that are right at your fingertips literally.  Many choose to ignore the many wealth resources around them for fear of success or what others may think of them.

There are speakers, articles, books and best of all, the Bible that screams these truths, systems and applications of wealth accumulation from the spiritual, mental and financial perspective.  Yet, so many people are mystified and puzzled about how to achieve and maintain wealth.

I’ve often asked myself the question, “Why is it that most people don’t want more for themselves and their family financially?”  I’ve heard people say, “well, I’m comfortable and I don’t need all of that”, while knowing that they’re not being truthful about how they really are feeling about their financial situation.  My answer to that type of comment is that if you are just comfortable that’s going to leave your next generation uncomfortable.  It’s Biblical that a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children –  that means left overs!

Trying to show others how to break the barriers to wealth has been a blessing, but difficult.  I’ve had so many people to ask me, “How did you get wealthy?”, but when I tell them they are unwilling to put in the investment, work and time to make it happen.    It’s certainly a challenge to convey to others how to get wealthy, because they often think that there’s got to be something more, some sort of compromise, but there isn’t!

When most people think of wealth the first thoughts are material gain. They don’t realize that there must first be a mental transition from old habits, before wealth can occur.  This is why it’s imperative to understand what wealth is all about and the mindset you must have to achieve it.

Many people who receive wealth from inheritance, the lottery, retirement or other means and don’t understand the true nature of it, can and have lost it.  There are often stories in the news and documentaries of families falling apart, children being ignored, drug abuse and other negative consequences from the improper use of wealth.

However, there are even more stories of people whose lives have changed for the better.  They are able to help others through philanthropy and have retained the knowledge to teach others how to achieve wealth as well.  I am one of those wealthy people with a deep rooted desire to teach others how I did it.

As with anything in life, you have an option as to whether you want to be wealthy or not.  It’s truly your choice.  If you say yes you do then know that there’s no compromise that you must make, but you must be willing to invest in the knowledge, tools and resources to make it happen.  You must also be willing to examine your beliefs about wealth that might be preventing you from achieving it.

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