Creating A Routine of Predictable Success!

“Let All Things Be Done Decently and In Order… “  1 Corinthians [14:40] NKJ

When you first hear the word, “Predictable” you might associate it with always knowing the outcome of something.  However, it is also associated with being boring, steady or slow.  So, being predictable in life is often not that attractive especially with the highlights of the fast life that we see in social media regularly.  People tend to want excitement and the element of surprise or curiosity.   Although this might be great for occasions, unpredictability can be detrimental to your success.

The word predictable can be very powerful to the individual who wants to create repetitive habits and activities that lead to their success.   I’m talking about Income Producing Activities (IPA’s) that are 1) Focused, 2) On Purpose, 3) Planned, and 4) Prioritized.  These can not only generate you an incredible income stream, but build a legacy and life of balance as well.

Let’s take a closer look at the four attributes of a predictable success routine:


The saying, “An Idle mind is the devil’s workshop” is so true.  Whenever you don’t have time to organize your thoughts, your mind can automatically return to negativity, limiting beliefs or recurring habits that will hold you back.  This can cause procrastination or downright paralyze your actions and hinder results.  You will begin to take actions that you’re comfortable with, but don’t yield fruit.  So, you must choose your focus strategically, because success is not created in the comfort zone!

You must keep your eyes on the prize at all times, letting no one or nothing sway you or turn you around.  If your focus is not on impact and income generation, you will always go backwards even though time is moving forward.

On Purpose

To do something on purpose means to have a clear reason or why for doing something.  This will produce determination and a strong intent to achieve your goal. Purpose also produces faith, which allows you to keep going even when the going gets rough.  Every action you take whether it’s personal or in business must support your original vision, intent and goal.


One of the greatest powers in predictable success is being proactive.  It means to plan ahead of time and stay the course.  In Habakkuk 2:2, The Lord says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets…”.

The expression, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is true. You have to respect time if you want it to work for you.


Everything can’t be an emergency.  Everything has its proper place.  “People who waste their own time will truly waste the time of others”.  Most people who waste large amounts of time, even months, years and decades often do so, because they don’t understand what 24 hours in a day is for.  You have to know what’s priority for you.  Is it your faith, family, finances or something else?

Prioritizing what makes money is also knowing what will prevent you from making money. You can only go so long with your spouse or kids complaining and acting out, because you haven’t given them enough love.  Family really spells “Time”.  You can buy them things, but that’s temporary.  However, there is nothing like quality time or memories that can last forever.

Time will not wait for anyone to get it together.  God gives us all the same 24 hours, which is 86,400 seconds each and every day.  When you think about that, there are plenty enough opportunities to get everything that is really important done.  The deal is that we cannot recapture time that we did not use, but we can definitely change going forward.

In conclusion, I didn’t always know this either and like most life lessons they are learned through pain or the hard way.  So this is where my challenges with this that I prayed to God and I was given the 8-8-8 Cash Calendar™, which led me to create the Power Moves Planner™.  It’s something that has helped me to build my empire without feeling guilty.  It has helped me to create a life of fulfillment and results.  Whenever I feel lost along the path of life, I have a place where I can Focus, be On Purpose, Plan and Prioritize..

Success can only be predictable when you create a daily routine, because it’s a compilation of what you have done with your days.  The incredible benefit is that you will no longer have to wait for a promotion, compliments or recognition to feel success.  It will automatically be a product of using your time wisely.  Your planned daily routine will give you synergy and make it harder for someone to knock you off course.


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