5 Keys to Unlock Your Personal Power

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become powerful, successful and wealthy in life?  Many people run away from these topics as though it’s something that should be hidden or not to be discussed.  Actually this has been the case for ages.  Unless you are an heir or were born with a “silver spoon in your mouth”, you may not have been told the truth that you are powerful too.  Maybe this is why I’m passionate about helping individuals to connect the dots between the haves and the have-nots.

Yes, there’s information all over the Internet about personal power and wealth, but unfortunately it’s scattered and does not always have a clear path.  I realized that it would be difficult to understand and implement all of the information that is out there – let alone have success with it.  Now is the time to change the story of your next generation. I want to give you and your family keys to create your personal and financial freedom.

Recently in my Power Moves Group on Facebook, we featured the book, “Success of the Millionaire Mind” by T Harv Eker.  In it he says, “Rich people believe, “I create my life” and poor people believe, “Life happens to me”.  You see, it’s important to understand that if you want the bigger and better things for your life, you must adopt a growth mindset about wealth.   You must know that only you can access your power through personal development and you must work on this daily.

When you lack personal power, you might buy into the idea that poverty is a permanent circumstance and this can create fear, procrastination or even hopelessness.  It can cause you to believe that wealth is for other people, but not for you.  However, I’m living proof that it’s not true!

I was a wife, hair stylist, a mom of 4, 1 child disabled and working 12 to 14 hours daily and while I was making money, it was at the expense of less for my spiritual and personal development, as well as time with my family. Although I was investing in real estate, I didn’t discover or maximize opportunities that would allow me to experience residual income, which would give me the time, freedom and lifestyle I desired.

However, as I began to work on my mindset, I released the fear of loss and invested more into personal and professional development.  I also began to acquire more assets, and seek business opportunities.  This led me to my first one million dollars in my first year of me discovering my personal power.  Before that I just spent money on things that made me feel good or gave me instant gratification for the moment. But now, I’m building generational wealth and I’m teaching others how to unlock the keys to their personal power.

Below are the Keys to Unlock Your Personal Power:

  1. Get clear on your beliefs.  When you want to make positive changes in your life the first place to start is with your beliefs.  In order to create your success, you must have beliefs that support what it is that you want to accomplish.  Oftentime when you find yourself self-doubting and talking yourself out of moving forward on a new opportunity or venture, it’s because you don’t have the belief to support it.

So, it’s time to make a change.  Get into your quiet space, take out a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle to make two columns.  On the left side write down what you want in life and on the right side, write a belief you must have in order to achieve it.  Now, it’s time to practice those beliefs everyday, until they become automatic habits.

  1. Practice the power of reading.  Get into your mind before anyone else does.  Read or listen to audio-books at least 30 minutes daily from proven and successful people.  Take note of not only their advice, but how they think.  Always ask yourself the question, “How can I implement what I’ve read”.  Here are some of my favorite mindset books:
    • Maximizing Your Potential by Dr. Myles Munroe
    • Mindset by Carol Dweck
    • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker
    • How Successful People Think by John Maxwell
  2. Surround yourself with people that have the mindset you want.  If you want to make powerful and immediate changes in your life, start surrounding yourself with people that are proven and successful financially.  Being around people that are making it happen strengthens your belief that you can do it to.  So, study successful people, pay attention to their habits and then follow the blueprint.

Note: Feel free to join our Power Moves group on Facebook.  It’s a group of positive people that are seeking ways to tap into their personal power and create wealth.

1) Step out of your comfort zone.  You may have asked yourself the question, “Should I or shouldn’t I?”  many times. There are many reasons why you shouldn’t and many reasons why you should.  The point is whatever you want, go after it.  Don’t allow analysis paralysis keep you in the box.  Step outside of your comfort zone and start pursuing what you want.

2) Get Mentorship and Coaching.  One of the most important things about success that you must learn is that you can’t do it by yourself.  It’s important that you find a coach that can help you to make better decisions, strategize, provide you with resources and most of all let you know when you’re going in the wrong direction. A coach can help you speed up the process of accomplishing your dreams and goals.

The biggest way to prove to yourself that you are ready for change is to start working on the way you think about things.  It’s time to create a power mindset that will take you to new heights, new experiences and most of all a new way of achieving the things you want in life.  Practice the suggestions above, make them habits in your life and experience the difference!

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